I don't have time to post much but I have a few pics to put up.
Just to catch up on a few things... Jaycie is LOVING 4th grade so far! And I don't see that changing anytime soon... She has Mrs. Owen (her teacher from 2nd grade) and they have this connection like no other. Jaycie rules the roost and Mrs. Owen just lets her! HA As one little girl in her class told her grandmother when the g-mother asked her if Jaycie sat by her, she replied... "No, Jaycie doesn't really SIT in one seat... she just kinda sits where ever, whenever she wants." And that is the truth! Jaycie even calls Mrs. Owen "mom" and Mrs. Owen's husband, "dad"!! So, I'm thinking and hoping this will be a great school year. Thank you LORD for such caring, loving teachers!!!!!!!! We are however, learning that 4th grade is not very easy! Jaycie is learning to study and I am praying for patience! ha
Now, let me tell you about Mr. Jay Cooper and his long lived facination with "budin budins"! That child has a come apart every morning when I try to put a shirt on him that doesn't have a "budin budin" on it??? He is so funny!! He rides his little 4wheeler until dark almost everynight. He is talking in sentences, can tell you almost anything that he wants to tell you including... I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH, MOMMY! It's the sweetest thing!!! I just love it! Tony taught him Sunday morning to say it and he now tells everyone that he comes in contact with. He is a DADDY'S boy though... he loves his Daddy and is pretty much glued to his side at home. Jay Cooper's bday is the 15th of this month!! We're having a John Deere party & he's already picked out his decor for the party.