Well... I haven't yacked lately so here goes... The kids are doing good, everyone is well!! Finally!! Jaycie had to do her Black History Month book report lastnight and could not understand why in the world she had to read and write about a black person!! HA! She also didn't understand why we don't have a white history month. (And I really don't understand that either!) She did her report on Ida B Wells.
Super Duper POOPER, Jay Cooper, is doing good. He is growing and exploring and learning. We are having so much fun watching him discover new tricks. Lately he has discovered that HE can be loud like his sister and Nanny. It's the funniest thing to watch him coo and blab, he will get louder and louder! I told Tony the other night that I am afraid that we are going to have another VERY VOCAL child!! He said Great, that's just what we need! Jaycie talks enough for the whole family! HA
Ok, it's downhill to Friday so everyone have a Great Friday and a Wonderful Weekend!